Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Weird Earth

Weird phenomenon happening on our earth. Is it that these things have never happened before or is it that we are more connected through the internet and able to share our observations on a wider scale?

Whatever the causes may be, we are aware. There is more to come, so lets prepare.


  1. i think it's just that we're better connected... not like new things just happen all of the sudden

  2. get ready for the end of days

  3. have u watched the The Global Brain by Peter Russell?

  4. Awesome blog, will follow!

  5. Get ready for Dec 21, 2012! :D

  6. It's the beginning of the end!

  7. Man, This sends chills down my spine..

  8. More people have videocameras today and youtube made it common to drive around and shoot videos all day, so stuff like this comes up more often. In the 90s people would have said "you wouldn't belive what I just saw!" and you wouldn't.

  9. the end is coming hahaha! nice blog man...following

  10. Interesting stuff man! :) Followed

  11. hmm interesting, I think we have more chance of finding this sort of stuff out due to the advancement of technology, but this video is spooky man nice post.

  12. I do not really believe in the theories of the end of the world. Think about it. Even ten years ago, how many cheap cameras were out there? Right? Only now, thanks to out technologies, we can see anything from anywhere.
    Something happens? We have tons of cameras to record it, tons of people to spread it around the internet, that is why it seems that so many things are happening.
    It is Marshall's McLuhan's global village, technologies are putting us back in the primitive times, where we can know any "rumours" that are spreading in out "village", any event is noticed, communication is instant.

    1. I completely agree with you Remish and that's an interesting subject you bring up.
